segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Mario Remeggio


1-Do not want to tell very briefly the origins of the "Award Certre International" .

1 - I noticed that the Bonsai Show, the vase was poorly considered.
Many pots were presented dirty.
Are manufacturer of pots, so I have a strong feeling of looking pots.
I am a member of the Bonsai Club International.
I agreed with Solita Rosado (then President) and the sponsorship award.
The prize is awarded at the annual meeting BCI.
This year in China.;
At first pictures of bonsai were sent to the United States.
The courts of several states met to assess the Bonsai.
Many judges want to participate in the competition, but it was not possible for them.
* Difficulty meeting.
* Availability of judges in different days and hours.
* Exorbitant costs.
I thought the Internet.

2-Are you satisfied with these ten years.
When was begin, there was some purpose for ten years later.

In 2010, 43 nations are participating.

3 - Is the commercial part of the Bonsai, strongly linked to its development.
We see great events supported by the Company related to Bonsai.
Mario thinks that this cooperation between the development of art and the Companies that market in art?

- I have kept separate the two.; is the site of Competition; is the commercial site, where we present the results of the monthly contest.
The synergies are obvious.

4-A question inevitably without the Web, could competitions worldwide prosperity?
Since the contest was 6 issues outside the scope of the web, surely you has a very clear sense of the importance and differences they felt between and post Online.

- Without the Internet it is physically impossible to manage the complexity of management issues.

5 - "Award Certre International" has a charisma that many people wonder what is undoubtedly the reveal of Bonsai and species from various regions of the world, very different works, which makes it very interessantete the contest.
In this year we noted quite a "Italianization" of the competition, not afraid of somehow losing charisma of worldwide competition.
And why you think will be the only causes.By the seat of Certrè be located in Italia? Or are other people less data for competitions?
Since the language is not a limiter, because all information is in several languages in its entirety.
You think about it?

- The goal is that this is a competition open to the world of Bonsai.
The personal relationship is crucial.
Many Partcipanti know me personally and share the enthusiasm.
The Certre is well known in Italy and Europe for the commercial part.
The site is in 5 languages.
Today with the automatic translators and facilitate understanding.

6-In a more commercial Certrè thinks the company would have the same force if it had not organized the contest?

- The Competition has been done to publicize the Certre.

7-It´s need many people to do the contest?

 - Many manufacturers have been seen in Bonsai Competition.
They have become popular and are required to conferences around the world.
Were published in the journal of the BCI and other magazines.

8 - You think in the vote, the judges must be careful to follow the principle of competition in select the composition between the tree and pot.
Or somehow the tree "smothers" in many voters the pot, since it is a contest voting public.

 - It 's a combination of bonsai and pot, the result is the harmony that is achieved.
Are not separable.
Changing the bonsai pot or change the result.

9-What do you think of Bonsai competitions in general.

 - The race must not be manipulated by likes and personality as often happens.
With my race I wanted to make a system that prevents any manipulation.
The vote of 10 to 1 creates a multiplicity of micro votes that always brings the best bonsai.

11 - Do you think has contributed to a greater appreciation of the pots and its importance in conjunction with the tree, with the contest?
What is evolution's way of looking at the pots by the modern practitioners of the art.

 - I noticed a strong sensitivity to the problem.
I do not see more dirty pots on display.
Professionals needs have increased with the possibility of pots by Certre on size and color required.

12-The contest with the fusion of BCI is to last?
Could there be a contest without the one of other?

- Collaboration in synergy and mutual benefit.
The Certre is fully satisfied with the excellent relationship established with the BCI.
I hope that the BCI is satisfied with the new members procured by Certre.
I do not foresee changes in the future if cooperation is not greater.

13-And the last question to finish.The inevitable question ... Satisfied by the issue of discharge of Bonsai this year.
And the biggest work will be from now until they know the winner in China?

- The work of this year increased by 30% over last year.

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